
1. 请画出下列句子的成分(1分)

I 主语,am 系动词, a good student 表语,good 定语

He 主语,cut 谓语,a tall tree 宾语,tall 定语,yesterday 状语

She 主语,sang 谓语,me 宾语,a song 宾语,at school 宾语

The sun 主语,keeps 谓语,us 宾语,warm 补语


2. 请写出下列单词的复数形式(1分)

country -> countries

fish -> fish

scarf -> scarves

belief -> belief

man doctor -> men doctors


3. 请选出下列单词中所有不可数名词(1分)

advice ✅


water ✅

imagination ✅


information ✅





4. 请填入合适的冠词(1分)

Would you like an apple or an orange for a snack?

Do you have the pencil I lent you yesterday?

Can you help me find the keys?

Have you visited the Eiffel Tower?

Is there a cat in the backyard again?


5. 请用英文写出下列日期的读法(2分)

3月1日 -> the first of March

11月22日 -> the twenty-second of November

12月3日 -> the third of December

9月31日 -> the thirty-first of September


6. 请用英文写出下列数字的读法(1分)

1/5 -> one fifth

6/7 -> six sevenths

92.83% -> ninety-two point eighty-three percent

0.104 -> zero point one zero four


7. 请为下列时间填写合适的介词(5分)

on August 10

at noon

in the afternoon

at 14:52

in autumn

on Wednesday

on Friday night

in December

in the 19th century

in 2023


8. 请写出下列单词的比较级和任意形式的最高级(1分)

smart -> smarter -> smartest

depressing -> more depressing -> most depressing

far -> further/farther -> furthest/farthest

good -> better -> best

bad -> worse -> worst


9. 请翻译下列时态为一般现在时的句子(4分)

他经常去公园。->  He often goes to the park.

她几乎不吃苹果。-> She hardly/seldomly eats apples.

我从不踢足球。-> I never play football.

我们有时在学校跳舞。 -> We sometimes dance at school.


10. 请翻译下列时态为一般过去时的句子(4分)

昨天我做完了作业。-> Yesterday I finished the homework.

我曾经每天都喝咖啡。 -> I used to drink coffee everyday.

3天前,我的猫死了。-> My cat died three days ago.

上周我们去了北京。-> Last week, we went to Beijing.


11. 请翻译下列时态为一般将来时的句子(4分)

明天会下雨。 -> It will rain tomorrow.

我计划下周看电影。-> I am going to watch a movie next week.

学校计划重建厕所。-> The school is to rebuild the toilet.

我马上就要死了。-> I am about to die.


12. 请翻译下列时态为现在进行时的句子(3分)


13. 请填入合适的动词形式(10分)


I was having (have) dinner at 7PM yesterday.

While I was reading (read), my parents were watching (watch) TV last night.

When I met (met) her on the street, she was going (go) home.

They will be sleeping (sleep) at this time tomorrow.

She has lived/has been living (live) in Chengdu since 2006.

I have studied/have been studying (study) Chinese for 5 years.

She has been dead (die) for 10 years.

By the end of the last semester, we had learned (learn) 500 words.

I will have finished (finish) this book by next Friday.

She has been (be) to Beijing before.


14. 请将下列句子改为被动语态(5分)

They bought a car last year. -> A car was bought by them last year.

Tom will clean the room tomorrow. -> The room will be cleaned by Tom tomorrow.

Tigers eat horses. -> Horses are eaten by tigers.

They have planted 50 trees. -> 50 trees have been planted by them.

He said he would sell the house. -> He said the house would be sold by him.


15. 请给下列主语从句补充合适的引导词(4分)

What you need is more practice.

That she got a 7 in IELTS made Alastair happy.

Who is the smartest one among us does not matter.

Whether he is coming or not hasn't been decided yet.


16. 请将下列句子改成使用形式主语的句型(4分)

That he will reject me is impossible. -> It is impossible that he will reject me.

That he came to see me is a surprise. -> It is a surprise that he came to see me.

That the sun goes around the Earth is common knowledge. -> It is common knowledge that the sun goes around the Earth

That he cheated in the exam is a fact. -> It is a fact that he cheated in the exam.


17. 请使用表语从句翻译下列的句子(4分)

那是我15岁的时候。-> That was when I was 15.

这是我第一次见她的地方。-> Here is where I first met her.

这就是为什么我不同意。-> This is why I don’t agree.

问题是我们要怎么才能找到他。-> he problem is how we can find him.


18. 请填入合适的动词形式(5分)


She said the sun rises (rise) from the east.

I know she came (come) to China 4 years ago.

She told me she had travelled (travel) to Europe before.

I am wondering if he knows (know) that she was killed.

He said he was cooking/had cooked/would cook (cook) lunch.


19. 请按要求改写宾语从句(2分)

(改用不定式) I don’t know where I can find him. -> I don't know where to find him.

(改用形式宾语) We find that foreigners are learning Chinese interesting. -> We find it interesting that foreigners are learning Chinese.

20. 请给下列包含定语从句的句子填上合适的引导词(8分)

This is the best book that I have read.

Those who are under 18 aren't allowed to join the party.

Who is the student that is reading over there?

I saw a woman whose bag was stolen.

The boy whom she loved died.

The things and people that they are talking about are so complicated.

Don't tell anyone who shouldn't know this.

This is the house where I was born.


21. 请判断下列句子是同位语从句还是定语从句(4分)

I heard the news that our team won. (   同位语    )

He was thinking about the advice that his teacher gave him. (   定语      )

I have no idea when he was born. (   同位语        )

The suggestion she made in the meeting was accepted. (   定语      )


22. 请翻译下列限定性非限定性定语从句(3分)

He has a son who is in the army. -> 他有一个在军队里的儿子。

He has a son, who is in the army. -> 他有一个儿子,在军队里。

We have a garden, which makes us happy. -> 我们有个花园,让我们感到很开心。


23. 请使用状语从句翻译下列的句子(6分)

虽然她很累了,但是她还是去了健身房。-> Although she was tired, she still went to the gym.

除非你做完作业了,否则你不能看电视。 -> Unless you finish the homework, you cannot watch TV.

这本书比那本书贵200元。-> This book is 200 yuan more expensive than that book.

这本书的价格是那本书的10倍。 -> This book is 10 times as expensive as that book.

王医生是如此之好以至于所有人都喜欢他。-> Dr. Wang is so good that everyone loves him.

你吃得越多,长得越高。 -> The more you eat, the taller you grow.


24. 请判断下列句子中带ing的单词是否为动名词(1分)


25. 请用合适的分词形式填空(4分)


26. 请用给下列句子填上合适的动词形式(8分)


I want the homework to be finished (finish) by tomorrow.

He dropped the glass, breaking (break) it into pieces.

If there is anything for me to do (do), feel free to ask me.

While working (work) in the factory, he did a good job.

If given (give) more time, I could do so much better.

He stayed at home, cleaning (clean) and washing (wash).

Being (be) a league member, he loves to help others.

You should study hard, work (work) hard and play (play) hard.


27. 请根据虚拟语气,填入合适的动词情态动词(5分)

If I had (have) money, I would lend you.

If I had known (know) this, I could have gone to Cambridge.

If he were to come here tomorrow, I would talk (talk) to him.

If I were (be) you, I would not do it.

If it should snow tomorrow, I would go (go) skating.