PTE口语改革后DI & RL新模板




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  1. 只影响口语的DI和RL
  2. 只影响Academic和UKVI考试,不影响Core
  3. 不影响出分时间
  4. 人工审查的专家看不到原题,只会听音频,只审查内容评分,流利度和发音仍然由机器负责判定
  5. 改动2024年11月4日起生效






  1. 老实人派——模板为长句子,需要学生自己组织语言描述图片
  2. 废话+流水账派——先说一大堆废话,然后把画面上的关键词按顺序念一遍
  3. 没有感情派——用and also about连接一起,看见什么说什么


但是这次改革之后,官方DI Test Tips点名批评了这种机械的描述(describe the image in a mechanical way),因此无论是and also about还是from the picture we can see...,这次改革之后都必不能再用了。

另外一种被点名批评的是,使用背诵过的句子和套句(use memorised responses or templated sentences),所有企图通过不直接描述图片内容增加流利度的方法,都将会被判定为0分,因此流派2也被彻底封杀。


我觉得模板套句的长度很关键。假如你让大街上随便一个路人来描述一张图片,大概率每个人都会用The picture is about...或者The picture talks about来开头,然后用X shows Y来描述细节。这不是模板,这是非常正常的语言描述。



在网上搜寻一番之后,我觉得目前Skills PTE Academic的模板比较契合我的理念,博主也是很多国内学生口中津津乐道的“印度小哥”。

The image provided is a [图片类型] that gives information about [主题].

(如果有坐标轴) While X axis talks about __ , the Y axis __ talks about ____ .

  1. It is evident that ____ (最大值).
  2. Conversely, ____ (最小值).
  3. Another interesting point is ____ (随便一个趋势或观察)

Overall, this image illustrates [主要信息或整体趋势]

这个模板相较之前多了很多连接词,While... Conversely... Another interesting point...让整个答案听起来更像人类会说的话,从句后面所接的内容用最简单的句型正常描述即可。

在实际操作中,我可能会把It is evident that改成It is clearly seen that...,因为大部分国内学生对这个词都很陌生;我还会把conversely改成on the other hand,那些基础只有40、50分的学生绝对记不住这歌词;最后的illustrate可能也要改成show。



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The image provided is a line graph that gives the information about most cellphone owners in the U.S. have smartphones.

It is clearly seen that over 60% of the U.S. adults have any cellphone in 2005, on the other hand, over 85% of the people have a smart phone after 2020.

Another interesting point is that people start to have smartphone since 2010.

Overall, the image shows the rise of the smartphone.


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The image provided is a bar graph that gives the information about the number of U.S. Households keeping pets.

It is clearly seen that the category with the highest number is dogs, which is 63.4million, on the other hand, the one with the lowest number is saltwater fish, which is 1.6million.

Another interesting point is that the number of horses is the same as that of saltwater fish.

Overall, the image shows how many kets U.S. Households are keeping.


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The image provided is a map that gives the information about distribution of harlequin ladybird.

It is clearly seen that there were many birds in 2004, which is shown in the red colour, on the other hand, in 2005, there weren't many left, which is shown in the black colour.

Another interesting point is that the birds were all at the southwest of England.

Overall, the image shows the decrease of the number of the ladybird.



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The image provided is flow chart that gives the information about supply chain management.

It is clearly seen that first, you need to have raw materials and change them into components, on the other hand, you give the components to manufacturer and retailer.

Another interesting point is that consumer is the last one in the supply chain.

Overall, the image shows the process of supply chain management.





按照之前解读的思路理解,RL模板的设计也遵循了「将长套句改成人类会说的短句」原则,下面展示的模板仍然来自Skills PTE Academic

The lecture discusses __.
In the beginning, the speaker explained about __.
Later, the speaker said __.
Here, the speaker also mentioned __.
In conclusion, the lecture effectively summarised __.

在实战中,我会和学生说,discuss、explained about、said、mentioned的顺序不重要,你只需要用这几个词引出后面的内容即可。


至于总结的内容,我们的策略稍微有一些改变,因为我们不再能够使用and also about串联关键词了。在听听力的时候,我们需要尽量写下10个以上的关键词,然后用最简单的句子将内容串联起来。


#286 Venus

There is a picture, sort of artist's impression, before the space age of what Venus might be like on its surface and so this was looking at the planet Venus, it was science fiction and science fact all the way up to 56 before the start of the space age but it wasn't completely disproved, this idea of a really sort of lush environment on Venus until 1967, which is when the first measurements in detail were done at Venus.

So Mariner four and Mariner five confirmed the feeling from an earlier space mission that in fact the surface of Venus was not like this at all, but extremely hot and, and also that the clouds were made of sulphuric acid so there wasn't a nice water cycle like is going on in this picture and so, that it had to wait for these in situ measurements by space craft to actually do that and so Venus turned out not to be quite as Earth like as we thought and I'll sort of tell you about some of the latest results from Venus Express, which, which they actually there are some Earth like features, but to a large extent, it's not like the Earth.


假设对于这篇文章,我们只能听到以下关键词:picture, Venus, science, space, environment, hot, nice, Earth。



The lecture discusses a picture of Earth.

In the beginning, the speaker explained about the environment of Venus is very hot.

Later, the speaker said the environment of the Earth is very nice.

Here, the speaker also mentioned the picture is very important for the space science .

In conclusion, the lecture effectively summarised the science of the Earth and Venus.